Let’s immediately from the place to the quarry, without any introductory parts there, where I have to tell a little about the phenomenon Diablo And bring the reader to the fact that the third part of the world’s most famous Hack’n’Slash RPG finally came out. Yes, in my opinion, this is how the genre of the game should be called, because it is at least strange to call it a purebred RPG. Judge for yourself: what a role -playing play is here? Extremely conditional, because it depends on the choice of the hero only how we will deal with the numerous hordes of evil spirits. There are no moral elections, no banal response options in dialogs, and there are not many dialogs themselves. But no matter what the “Genre” column is there, the game came out, passed, the opinion was compiled, and it’s time to express it.

How does the devil begins?

If you exclude registration screens in the Battle system.NET and other installation-loading windows, it turns out that everything begins with the choice of the hero. Classes are five again: a barbarian, a demon hunter, a sorcerer, a monk and a sorcerer. I won’t describe the features too details-after all, this is a review, and not a guide on the correct “pumping” (oh, we will return to this). I just note that the heroes turned out to be diverse, and each has their own chip. Moreover, the first three are the former barbarian, the Amazon and the sorceress, respectively. The sorcerer is a peculiar cross of Druid with a necromancer. But the monk is a new and unfamiliar class, unusually powerful in hand -to -hand combat.

Each hero has his own story. That is, there is still a global storyline dedicated to the next invasion of evil forces to our world, which has fallen from heaven to a star and an old acquaintance like Descartes Cain and Archangel Tirael, but in parallel with this, small videos voiced by the voice of the chosen character, explaining who explaining who explaining who explains whoHe and where did he come here. The plot itself, although it remains somewhere in the background, nevertheless will delight the experts of the series. A variety of diaries scattered in local expanses complement the picture of what is happening. Blizzard Very wisely acted, voicing them and not forcing the players to be distracted by this reading.

And now, partners have their own stories. There are only three of them now, but for each a whole lot of dialogues for all occasions are recorded, and they will comment on almost every step, while managing not to bother.

Everything begins, as usual, in Tristram, where a star flashed to the church. Yes, not easy, but blue. And they began to wake up the dead and attack the living. The first locations bring nostalgic feelings – to pain familiar landscapes, cemeteries, cellars, caves, native zombies and skeletons. However, gradually nostalgia leaves and bewilderment comes. At the beginning of the second act of experienced players, Deja Vu visits. Towards the end of the second act, there is already a firm confidence that we will find ourselves on the swamps of Kurast. But instead, the snowy expanses of Arreata, also familiar, are waiting for us. And his bowels, suspiciously reminiscent of the fourth act Diablo 2. Only the last, fourth act turns out to be unusual and original, so I will keep silent about it tactfully.

But here it is worth making a reservation – only those who are familiar with past parts will be noticed by self -digging. And it will annoy them only if the game was completed five to ten times. Otherwise it is almost impossible to find fault with the left -room. The surrounding spaces are drawn just amazing. Designers Blizzard managed to squeeze the absolute maximum from the game engine, filling each location with an incredible amount of various details that help to convey the atmosphere of the place where we are located. Be it hot sands in the desert, where the wind constantly blows;Submarked in a light haze of the cemetery around the Tristram;snowy peaks of the Arreate;or his fiery bowels, where even the air trembles with unbearable heat. The picture sometimes looks just bewitching beautifully.

And for these not very original, but excellently drawn locations all kinds of monsters are scattered, on which the seal of secondaryness is much more difficult to discern. The secret here is in the balance sheet – among the usual lunar lambs, zombies and rebellious skeletons, a new, hitherto unheated evil spirits. In general, the bestiary turned out to be decent, diverse and outstanding.

Diablo 3 In terms of gloomy, it is very much inferior to its predecessors, it should be noted. The picture here is more like a revived fantasy comic book. No torn to torn down the bodies and blood -flooded in dungeons, terrible cries of dying and other things. Everything is cruel, but in moderation.

The devil wears ..

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery and diverse opponents are, the essence Diablo lies in the process of studying the locations and destruction of the Ords of the Eallestials. What the locations look like, I have already written above, so now a few words will say about how they are arranged. Since the time of previous parts, the main principle of building levels has not changed – everything around is procedurally generated and unique for each individual hero. The developers promised an even greater degree of diversity that the generator can give rise to, and to some extent they did not lie. But only in some.

A variety of random events in the manner of “random meetings” from the first parts are now regularly appeared on the map Fallout: The farmer in the garden in the garden will grow too infernal (Hello, Khakunin!), then in the basement someone will begin to hunt with black magic, they will ask someone to just protect someone. And there are a lot of such mini-quests.

But the locations were noticeably reduced in the vastness. This is a very ambiguous innovation. On the one hand, yes, now it is not necessary to spend the whole evening to find a tree with a sweat of the inifus, and on the other hand, some locations have become too much intake -like. Neither right nor to the left is simply impossible to move away even with a great desire. But open spaces also happen, like extensive dungeons, where it is easier to get lost without a card than in a battle by chance to choose some unnecessary rubbish.

Who came with a sword to the devil, he left him with Luta

So we got to the most entertaining and fascinating – the management of our hero and everything that is connected with this. Let’s start, since I hinted about useless rubbish, from Luta, inventory and precious stones. In general, everything was left in their previous places – we beat the beast,


he has kilograms of gold, gray, white, blue and other colorful things that we collect, examine and sell or use, depending on the characteristics. Only one thing has changed globally – the management of the inventory completely disappeared, when the player manually had to sort items to free the maximum number of space (which is now almost more than twice). The weapon itself, armor and other useful and not very objects occupy no more than two cells. As a result, it is necessary to monitor the inventory only in moments when the character says: “I am overloaded”.

And at the same time it is likely that by opening your shoulder bag, you will find there the same bunch of unnecessary trash. The trash is unnecessary for two reasons: firstly, the prices of white and gray objects sharply reduced the prices. They are now given real pennies. Therefore, everything that does not have magical properties does not make sense to collect from the very beginning. Secondly, things themselves sometimes climb into the inventory. That is, when you click around in the heat of the battle all around, you often get not on the enemy, but by some kind of thing that instantly goes to the inventory. Although formally no one called her there.

But everything related to Kraft has expanded significantly. For once, money can be intelligently invested, and not store half of the game in the chest, so that later it is lowered on a steep staff, and from the corpse of the monster killed by the new thing, it is only better, only better. We now do not have a choradric cube, but there are various things of the master: a blacksmith and a jeweler. With their help, you can forge weapons yourself, collect larger stones from small stones, pull out already inserted stones from things and other things like that. The larger the stone or more powerful weapons, the higher the level of skill should be for the corresponding master. And the level rises as? That’s right – for the generous shipment of gold coins. As a result, it is quite possible to literally become the blacksmith of his happiness and not depend on the goods sold or on that falls out of the killed enemies.

The back of the devil

Scrolls finally and irrevocably abolished. Things are now identified using simple witchcraft, and portals in the city are endless. Again, a controversial solution. Undoubtedly, this is a step towards convenience. Who was not irritated by weighty volumes, which also regularly had to be filled with parchment? However, it was necessary to follow them, and it was one of the aspects of the gameplay along with the fuss in the inventory.

And at the same time, a much more important component of the gameplay fell off with this – “pumping”. The hero now automatically, together with obtaining a level, receives an increase in the main characteristics and various abilities, regardless of the desire of the player. To develop skills is also not required. At certain levels, different abilities reveal the runes enhancing them. Only one can be associated with skill, but the ligament is broken, so if you wish, you can select them depending on the situation. Raid on “boss”? We take a vampire rune to suck a life from the enemy with every blow. The raid of numerous shallows? We take a rune that allows you to hit the area with a simple blow in order to take as many creatures as possible with one shuttle.

And this is again a stick about the two-edges. Yes, now you do not have to steam with “pumping”, but personally, for example, I do not at all against it tinker. And it is not so much that it was some kind of super-word (and it was by no means that) as what was taken from me opportunity have some options. My level 35 barbarian will differ from any other level of the 35th level only with equipment. Therefore, when the PVP-arns and the auction that works for real money is launched, the question of the winner will be addressed very simply: who invested more, he won.

A very strange solution, I personally find a new system of use of therapeutic bottles. I understand the logic of Diablo 2 – there the drunk potion of health or mana restored the corresponding characteristic not instantly, but with a delay. However, no one interfered if they needed to drink three elixirs in a row. IN Diablo 3 The bottles instantly restore the indicated number of lives, but immediately after use within thirty seconds you can not drink them. Not that a very critical moment, however, some battles eventually turn into natural races with death.

Such running around, by the way, occasionally ends due to the occurrence of a window with the inscription “Disconnected from Server …”. To whom in Blizzard A brilliant idea came to arrange protection based on a constant and stable Internet connection-the question is practically rhetorical. But this person had to die several times from hiccups, judging by the frantic indignation of the fans, who, due to the notorious “error 37” could not enter the game to play alone.

And finally, a few words about complexity. With her, not everything came out smoothly here, unfortunately. At first, the game seems too simple. Get to the first large “boss” and not to use a single health of health is quite real. And then it is already lucky and depending on what kind of hero you have. However, in any situation, the normal complexity of something supernatural is not and is actually more like a warm-up. Problems begin at the “Nightmare”. Moreover, this transition occurs not smoothly, as it was (again) in the previous part, but sharply. So you have just flooded the devil, like a cow on a cattle -beam, but of you the first oncoming zombie in two blows makes a chop. And you are reborn on the last “checkpoint”, with all your things and money.

However, no matter what I say above there, Diablo 3 – Great time killer and warm -up for the spinal cord. The game is ideal, for example, to listen to any podcast against the background or relaxed conversations with a friend in Skype. There is a magnificent design, enchanting music, excellent animation and constant spastening of the inner Manticine. But at the same time there are many strange and dubious innovations, the feeling of secondary and the “pumping” system at zero, and you cannot close your eyes to such things. And I would have set the game with great pleasure “amazingly”, deserve it.

Pros: drawing gameplay;location design;music;magnificent CG rollers;A powerful generator of cards.
Cons: the need for constant Internet connection;secondary scenery;A number of disputed intra -game solutions.

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